Mike had another good day today. His stomach gave him a little bit of trouble at the beginning of the day for some reason but it was over almost as quickly as it started. Mike describes it as a kind of weak feeling in his stomach, and it usually is enough to make him take the Phenagren (anti-nausea medication), which immediately helps.
At one point Mike tried to wander around our yard clipping a couple of branches off some lower limbs of trees, but it tired him out enough that he had to stop. He went upstairs and laid down for awhile. He gets a little frustrated when something so simple seems to beat him. I find myself reminding him that the chemotherapy alone, can zap his energy easily, not even counting the physical symptoms he has from his cancer.
We received a little positive news last evening about a job possibility that could be promising; work Mike could do from home, in his line of work. Mike still doesn't have all of the ends and outs about the position yet, but is expected to find out more this coming week. I can't begin to say how encouraging this news was for Mike, just to be able to possibly have something to do at least part-time, and something that may grow into being more down the road. Mike was beginning to grow very concerned about not having something to do to take his mind off his physical state after his job with Goody's finished out.
Please be praying with us that this venture may be from God's hands and that we'll have wisdom to make wise decisions. Because Mike is on disability we need to be very careful to abide by certain guidelines and conditions and there isn't a lot of room for error. Never being in this position before, we're learning a lot on the fly.
It's HUGE what a little hope can bring to our heart! Mike and I are so grateful for God's goodness towards us, and for blessing us with such dear friends, that care just as much about our happiness and well being, as their own. I know I sound redundant, but your prayers carry us daily. God bless you as you are blessing us.
"The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail." Isaiah 58:11
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