It appears like we'll need to wait through the weekend to get this matter of prayer resolved (unrelated to Mike's health). We thank you for understanding that we're not able to share any specifics, and just would appreciate your continued prayers. We hope to be able to update you soon.
Mike has been feeling very good this week. He even mowed the front and back lawn today on the riding lawn mower. He's resting now, but he has felt so grateful to feel more like his old self.
Thursday, June 12th, will be his next treatment.
"Teach us to wait patiently in silence...
To trust Your guiding hand,
Your perfect will, Your steadfast love
Even when we're feeling most alone.
Teach us to ask, not why, but what...
What do You want us to learn from this, Lord...
What does it mean to our walk with You,
In our relationship with You and others?
Let us seek, more than reasons, Your wisdom,
More than answers, Your approval,
More than Your peace,
Your blessed presence in our life."
bj hoff
Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help,
and He will say: Here am I.
Isaiah 58:9
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