
In 2007, I began my original website, Sonshine's Haven. In 2007, it was turned into a blog and used to keep family updated on my first husband's fight with liver cancer. He passed away November of 2009. We were married for 34+ wonderful years and this journals some of that grief process I've gone through.

I have since remarried another widower, but Mike is missed dearly, and will always be a big part of my life.

At times, all of us will be called to act as witnesses to the suffering of another. We will be unable to affect the outcome physically. Words will fail us. Prayer will seem futile. And yet, the act of bearing witness to someone else's trials is a sacred sorrow that offers and astounding glimpse of eternal joy." by Ginger Garrett

"Being willing to stay with a loved one throughout their travail, can be difficult....YES! But offering yourselves as faithful companions on a dark and dreadful journey can be an unmeasured blessing." (paraphrased by me)



UPDATE: Surgery is a go for September 2nd. They will need to be down there on August 29th which happens to be their anniversary. The surgeons believe there is a gap between the tumor and the artery and plan to remove it. Regardless they will be repairing the bile duct. I'll let you know more when I hear back from my mom.

My mother called to let me know the preliminary news is hopeful. The surgeon believes that billiary reconstruction can be done, in fact it was done on an 80 year old woman the other day with no complications. They are also discussing the possibility of going in to remove the tumor if they see that it does not involve the artery anymore. They are discussing that right now. I'm not certain if billiary reconstruction will be done even if they don't remove the tumor or not. Please pray for guidance and wisdom on the doctor's part and for peace for my parents as they await a decision. If surgery does happen it will require over two weeks in Houston for them while he week in the hospital, one week in town.

Also there are heavy storms in Houston according to my aunt, so pray for a safe flight home.

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