
In 2007, I began my original website, Sonshine's Haven. In 2007, it was turned into a blog and used to keep family updated on my first husband's fight with liver cancer. He passed away November of 2009. We were married for 34+ wonderful years and this journals some of that grief process I've gone through.

I have since remarried another widower, but Mike is missed dearly, and will always be a big part of my life.

At times, all of us will be called to act as witnesses to the suffering of another. We will be unable to affect the outcome physically. Words will fail us. Prayer will seem futile. And yet, the act of bearing witness to someone else's trials is a sacred sorrow that offers and astounding glimpse of eternal joy." by Ginger Garrett

"Being willing to stay with a loved one throughout their travail, can be difficult....YES! But offering yourselves as faithful companions on a dark and dreadful journey can be an unmeasured blessing." (paraphrased by me)


We learned today after dad's tests that there is nothing obstructing his throat, which is a good thing. According to the doctor his throat muscles have atrophied which is causing his difficulty swallowing. He recommended speech therapy to help regain full function of those muscles which hopefully will help him swallow easier. Just what we need, a prescription for dad to talk more... :) Also, the doctor noticed that dad is not digesting his food very quickly and said that his pain medication could be the cause for this. There was some talk about whether a feeding tube was necessary to help him get enough nutrition since his body isn't processing it very quickly, but they've decided to wait and monitor him for right now since dad is doing better about eating these past few weeks.

I think that's the majority of what I was told this morning. We're very pleased that nothing too serious is wrong and hope that with some help he can be able to swallow more freely in the future and continue to gain some weight.