
In 2007, I began my original website, Sonshine's Haven. In 2007, it was turned into a blog and used to keep family updated on my first husband's fight with liver cancer. He passed away November of 2009. We were married for 34+ wonderful years and this journals some of that grief process I've gone through.

I have since remarried another widower, but Mike is missed dearly, and will always be a big part of my life.

At times, all of us will be called to act as witnesses to the suffering of another. We will be unable to affect the outcome physically. Words will fail us. Prayer will seem futile. And yet, the act of bearing witness to someone else's trials is a sacred sorrow that offers and astounding glimpse of eternal joy." by Ginger Garrett

"Being willing to stay with a loved one throughout their travail, can be difficult....YES! But offering yourselves as faithful companions on a dark and dreadful journey can be an unmeasured blessing." (paraphrased by me)


Treatment II - 2008

Mike's second appointment and treatment since the beginning of this year went well. The doctor told us Mike's blood counts were good today, as was his bilirubin count. His weight was staying consistent and the side effects were staying at a minimum, which is what the doctor is looking for. We won't be doing another CT Scan to measure the tumor for another month or two. We will just continue hitting this tumor as hard as we can for now. He will go back to the doctor's office tomorrow to get his Neulasta injection to help keep his blood counts up.
Our prayer is that Mike will remain healthy. We pray for God's hedge of protection around him and our family. We also pray there will be no further side effects from the chemotherapy treatments than what Mike is already experiencing, or from the Neulasta injections, which can cause deep bone pain. We need these chemo drugs to shrink the tumor, and he needs the Neulasta injections to keep him healthy enough to continue receiving these treatments. We also need his stents working properly to keep his liver counts as normal as possible. And as with any other lengthy illness, we some times grow weary, and feel the burden, some days more than others. Please pray we will experience God's peace, and rest, knowing He is in control.
"I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand and say to you, "Do not fear, I will help you." Isaiah 41:13

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is great news about the tumor being smaller, I check your website at least once a week to see how Mike is doing. I will keep on praying and believing this tumor is going to disappear completely and Mike will be cancer free. I always try to remember to keep your whole family in my prayers as you go through this trial. God bless you all!
Beverly Brothers