In 2007, I began my original website, Sonshine's Haven. In 2007, it was turned into a blog and used to keep family updated on my first husband's fight with liver cancer. He passed away November of 2009. We were married for 34+ wonderful years and this journals some of that grief process I've gone through.
I have since remarried another widower, but Mike is missed dearly, and will always be a big part of my life.
At times, all of us will be called to act as witnesses to the suffering of another. We will be unable to affect the outcome physically. Words will fail us. Prayer will seem futile. And yet, the act of bearing witness to someone else's trials is a sacred sorrow that offers and astounding glimpse of eternal joy." by Ginger Garrett
"Being willing to stay with a loved one throughout their travail, can be difficult....YES! But offering yourselves as faithful companions on a dark and dreadful journey can be an unmeasured blessing." (paraphrased by me)
The MRI went well yesterday. I should have results next week to rule this concern out.
Glenn's ultrasound went well Wednesday. There is no kidney stone or other issues concerning his kidney to be worried about. He does have the herniated disk though and we will learn more about that July 7th.
I accepted the offer on my home today. The buyers came up on their offer quite a bit and the realtors split taking 1% off their commission. I'm relieved on one hand, but very sad on another. I wanted to keep myself in the place where I shared so much happiness with Mike and our family. But I know God is moving me on, and I'm trying not to go kicking all the way.
I feel a bit lost at this time. I haven't made the complete adjustment to feeling like home is with Glenn...but the house back home has been empty for so long now; it really didn't feel like home there completely either. I suppose I've just been living in a state of limbo for now, trying to deal with all the estate issues. They have been chasing me all this time still....with me trying to get keep things in my name, and not changed back into Mike's.
The home closes at the end of July. Prayfully, everything will finish out smoothly and I can try to pick up my life and go forward.
Time to Catch Our Breath...
The house is listed on the market. I'm praying God will bring the perfect buyer to it. I'm just as concerned that it would bless the new owners (as it did Mike and I) as I am with simply selling it. The only thing left to move now are the game tables...and that is expected to get done in the next couple of days. Our pool house is finished and we're preparing it to move these items in.
Glenn became ill last week with kidney problems. We don't have all the answers to his problem but the steroids and antibiotics he has been on, has improved his condition. Next week they plan to do an ultrasound and give them a better idea what the cause is.
I was diagnosed today with a minor issue (central hypothyroidism) and have begun a new medication that I will need to take the remainder of my life. I will be having an MRI done next Wednesday to rule out a possible cause. I'm looking forward to this medication making me feel much better.
Please continue to pray for Charlie. His pain seems under control for now, but there is a possibility that his jaw is broken and he may need a plate made and bone grafted from his hip to fix this....if they can get skin to grow over the bone. He was in such agony a few weeks ago. It was hard watching him suffer like that....and Lynne too...Mike's sister.
The grand babies are just precious lately. Emma and Alyssa are crawling...and both are pulling up on furniture...bless their poor mamma's hearts. Alyssa is at least smiling at me from a distance...but...not too comfortable yet, letting me hold her.
Emma's reaching out for Alyssa which is adorable. I can envision these two little ones being good friends in the future.
Ethan and Drew keep three steps in front of all of us adults. Mix our entire brood together and it is utter chaos! We have to lock the poor dogs up just to protect their lives!!
I lost my engagement ring diamond AGAIN! (I lost Mike's engagement ring in 2005 too) I guess I'm just a lousy jewelry owner...or I should take my jewelry off when working outside. Thankfully it was insured so they have said I'll get it back in 8 weeks. I can't tell you how many hours I have spent tracking every piece of ground we have searching for it. No luck! :(
Well, that's the latest around our home. Thank you for your interest in our life, your thoughts and prayers.
After charlie recovered from his tonsil cancer, his jaw bone needed surgery because the radiation treatments he had received a few years ago, caused part of his jaw needing to be removed. Then he developed a horrible infection in the bone, which had been being treated at home by transfusion, to prevent it from getting into his bone marrow, but a terrible jaw pain developed. He was incredibly miserable! I have never seen Charlie in so much pain.
So he has been admitted to a hospital in LR and surgery is scheduled for either cut/kill the nerve, or remove the infection further from the jaw bone.
We could use all the prayers we can get right now. It's hard to see someone you love, hurt.
Garage Sale Last Saturday
The past couple of days Glenn and I have been helping my sister-n-law and her husband, Charlie. We ended up at the emergency room three times in just two days due to extreme pain Charlie has been in. Tonight he was admitted to the hospital, which is a huge relief...knowing they will manage his pain and keep it under control. He has a bacterial infection in his jaw bone and the nerve is raw and causing sharp spasms when he swallows, talks, etc. I would greatly appreciate your prayers for them....and prayer for me. This is the first time I've returned to same hospital where Mike (my husband) passed away in 2009. That's been a little rough.
Walking Forward
I have moved all that I can take with me, to my new home, and I'm ready to place my home with Mike, on the market to be sold. as much as being resigned to the fact that I can keep it no longer. God has been generous to allow me 1 1/2 years to pry every finger off of this treasure. I'm ready to lay it down at His feet and walk forward...even though I know there will be tears as I see it the last time in the rear view mirror. I was blessed to live there. I don't think I could have enjoyed it more.
The Lord has brought another wonderful, Christian man into my life to care for me and love me. Although we may never have the same amount of years together, as I had with Mike, I will enjoy the laughter we share together. We will put an arm around each other when crying are the only words we can speak for that day. We both are picking ourselves up from loss, and trying to walk forward.
That may be the only legacy I will have to leave for my children or grandchildren. To get up from loss....and walk forward. To not expect more from yourself than you're able to give, and remember that it is only by God's grace we can stand at all.
A Tale of the Shears
If you happen to hear a dog howling will likely be her!